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Financial Awareness for Bereaved Customers

Dedicated phone lines and email addresses for bereaved customers

Background and Context

What we heard

The theme of Bereavement was consistently highlighted from our earliest stakeholder engagement.

The IBCB continues to engage with important stakeholders and customer advocates on this initiative such as Money Advice and Budgeting services (MABS), The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) the Coroners Court, and the Irish Association of Funeral Directors (IAFD).

What we did


In summer of 2022, the Common Commitment of Care was updated. It now includes dedicated phone lines and email addresses for bereaved customers, within each of the member banks. It has also been written in plain English which means it helps bereaved customers understand the document the first time they read it through using clear short sentences and everyday words.

Each of our member bank’s Bereavement Guides have also been published in plain English. We are delighted to say in late 2022 the IBCB’s Common Commitment of Care and each of our member bank’s Bereavement Guides have been awarded NALA’s Plain English mark.

As a result of discussion with the Irish Association of Funeral Directors (IAFD) in 2022 the IBCB worked with its member banks to better understand the purpose and acceptance of the Death Notification Form (DNF), which may simplify the process for a bereaved customer when notifying the bank of a bereavement. The IAFD also included an update from the IBCB and our Common Commitment of Care in the Funeral Times in Q4 2022.


In 2019, the IBCB launched the Common Commitment of Care with its Member Banks, which provides for improved services for customers (and their families) who have experienced a bereavement. This includes each of the IBCB’s member bank’s commitment to a dedicated Bereavement webpage, a bereavement guide and help in accessing available funds in accounts to cover funeral costs. Feedback from key stakeholders the following year indicated that the Common Commitment of Care had made a positive difference.

Embrace Farm

Through our work with member banks in the area of bereavement, we became aware of the work of Embrace Farm, a charitable organisation, who provides support to farming families who experience loss or life-changing injuries. The IBCB supported the publication of an important Embrace Farm supplement in the Irish Farmers Journal in June 2020. IBCB articles in the supplement focussed on raising awareness of the range of services and supports provided by IBCB member banks to farming customers in the event of a bereavement or life-changing injuries. The articles also covered the importance of preparing financial affairs for individuals, and the supports available for farm businesses in member banks. This supplement also included an opinion piece by Martin Stapleton, IBCB Board Member and Treasurer of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) on the importance of banks treating all customers fairly and equitably, especially those who are in a vulnerable position.

The Dublin District Coroner’s Court

This court has published the Common Commitment of Care on their new website, making the information easily available for people most in need of assistance. We continue to liaise with the Coroner’s Court to streamline the process for customers further.

Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF)

Irish Hospice Foundation

Many people have experienced and will experience the death of someone close. People may also be finding a previous bereavement more difficult at this time.

The Irish Hospice Foundation can be contacted on

There is a marketing pack available here

Bereavement Support Line promotional assets – Irish Hospice Foundation.
Use these resources and graphics in workplaces and communities to raise awareness about IHF Bereavement Support Line.

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